Premier Workplace & Campus Investigations

Unravelling Complex Issues.

Cultivating Equality.

Buehler Trapani LLP is a woman-owned law firm in the San Francisco Bay Area and Seattle specializing in impartial, third-party workplace and campus investigations across California and Washington. We investigate diverse employment issues for public and private employers and Title IX cases for schools and universities, including allegations of sexual misconduct, harassment, discrimination, and other complaints.

Workplace Investigations

Through our investigations, we aim to provide clients the information they need to meet legal obligations, reduce workplace and campus disruptions, and forge a positive way forward.

Title IX Investigations

Sexual harassment and misconduct on campus pose complex issues for investigators and hearing officers. Our trained Title IX Hearing Officers adjudicate Title IX complaints fairly and with sensitivity.

Civil Rights Investigations

Investigations of systemic abuse and misconduct require unique skills.

Investigations Training & Consulting

Let us share our expertise to help make your internal investigations the best they can be.

Workplace Climate Surveys & Assessments

Learn about employee satisfaction before issues arise.